Tuesday, January 20, 2015

2014 Demo Team Practice Schedule

As of 01/21/15 Updated Demo Team Practice Schedule

Week 2- 2015 Fitness Challenge 01/13/15 Snapshot!!!

Going From Where You ARE to Where You Want to BE!!



Vary pushup types that you practice work various muscle groups
Various planks are great trainers for core, which is the first step to improvement
Standard Dolphin plank Incline better than knee PU Closer to body or lower on body works triceps Standard pushup position (PP) plank Decline builds shoulder strength Diamond works triceps and inner pecs Shoulder Taps or punches from PP Wide works outer pecs Unstable surfaces work more core When doing the challenge, remember pace and breathing. Identify which muscle(s) are working till failure in less than a minute.


Doing these with speed is the difficult part of the challenge. Do not neglect the back when doing situps. (supermans, cobra stretch, etc) Situps/crunches with elevated feet take the pressure off of the lower back.1. Get baseline test (let’s say it was 40)2. Set a goal for the 1 minute challenge (for me, I’ll set a 50% improvement goal = 60)3. Multiply goal by 3 (60*3 =180)4. Break it into 20 second chunks you can do at that pace or faster (In this case, 1/second)5. Do these sets, with at least 1 minute of rest or another exercise in between. Worst case, simply sprinkle them throughout the day. It should be 9 sets or less.

“SLURPEE” IMPROVEMENT – Just do them! (more to come)