Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Why I Want To Become A Black Belt by Corey Stoltz

Why I Want To Become A Black Belt
April 18, 2015
By: Corey Stoltz

​            I have a lot of reasons, big and small, for wanting to become a Black Belt. My reasons have even evolved during my journey taking Taekwondo. I knew that I wanted to do something that would stick with me. It all began two years ago when my parents sat down with me and talked about options. Those options were becoming an Eagle Scout, playing basketball, or taking Taekwondo. I thought for a moment, “What should I pick?” I weighed my options and thought that Taekwondo was the best choice for me. I knew that it might be tough, but I wanted to do it even more to prove that I was up for the challenge. When I took my first Taekwondo class, I knew I was on my way. I remember thinking it would be awesome. Boy, it wasn't awesome; it was ​better​ than awesome!

After my first class, I knew I wanted to come back. I loved every second of the class. After I got my Yellow Belt, I realized I wanted that Black Belt. No matter what, I promised my parents and myself that I was going to get that Black Belt. Once I had made it to the Orange Belt, I started feeling as if I got the hang of things. Then I started sparring. This was a game changer for sure. Now I had to prepare to spar and fight my classmates in basically a friendly duel. At first sparring was the worst! Then later, by the time I became a Blue Belt, I had gotten the hang of it. Shortly after that, I moved into the adult classes. That was terrible at first. I was really scared, and I was definitely not doing as good. But that class changed me. It made me feel better because I knew I had overcome a challenge, and now I am in the best set of classes. I felt my desire continuing to grow for that Black Belt.

Once I was at the Brown Belt rank I began to break plastic boards. Once I started breaking my boards, I found it to be a little difficult at first. Thankfully, I finally got the hang of it. At Brown Belt I thought on what I had done. I have spent 2 years here , and I am almost there. It made me feel so good. As I approached the Red Belt ranking, I was filled with excitement. I knew I was getting closer. Now here I am, a Red Belt Senior, and only 1 final step away. All of this work is another reason why I want a Black Belt.

I started out only wanting a Black Belt to prove that I had the confidence and skill to be able to defend myself, but more importantly, to show that I could actually achieve this goal. Now my reasons are also tied to my future plans and goals. I am seriously considering joining the Military and becoming a Naval Officer one day. I know that this achievement would be an asset and look good on my resume. It would show that I stayed the course and didn’t quit. I think it would be awesome to tell a recruiter that I have a Black Belt in Taekwondo.

Thank you for reading this. I am very thankful for your studio, and especially for having the opportunity to be a part of something where I know people care about me and want me to succeed. While I realize it has been a long journey up to this point, I know it will be worth it in the end.

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